Stall and Board
Each stall is accompanied by a small attached in/out paddock with no mud ecogrid footing.
Stalls are clean daily Monday-Saturday and picked later in the day. Hay is fed 3x/day pretty much free choice. Grain if needed 2x/day. Supplement fed no charge as long as they come in one package.We suggest SmartPak.
Rate Schedule
Board - $850
Lesson - $70 for weekly lessons , $90 for a la carte
Training Ride - $60
Training Ride, absentee owner - $65
No, we are a training facility. We do not have the insurance coverage, or the type of horses to do trail rides.
WE are part of the planet
Whitethorn Farm works to integrate our operations into the environment. We buy our feed locally, our bedding is from a local wood products company, and our manure is used in local agriculture. Our facility uses modern techniques to minimize runoff from our paddocks and we store the manure in a covered enclosure. Our efforts were recognized by the Kitsap Conservation District by naming us the 2010 Cooperator of the Year. We continue to look for opportunities to operate the farm in an environmentally responsible manner.
“Janet is the first instructor I have found who was able to spot my problems and show me how to correct them. Now that my position and balance have improved, I am a more effective rider who can correctly influence my horse.”